How to lock a Kids Bike Trailer
We’ve put together a few useful tips for keeping your trailer extra safe:
- Always lock your trailer to your bicycle. This works best if you unhitch the trailer and place it beside your bike. Thread the lock through the frame of the trailer and bicycle, then around an immovable object (e.g. a bike rack or lamp post). For this purpose, be sure to use a lock that is as long as possible, e.g. a cable lock. Check out the Little Life Buggy Lock -
- Leaving them in a highly visible public area, preferably one with lots of foot traffic, it’s also a good idea to park the bike and trailer somewhere in the middle of the rack, as thieves usually focus on the bikes parked at the ends.
- For even more protection, use two different locks, because thieves are usually specialised in opening a certain kind of lock. And they want to be able to work as quickly and inconspicuously as possible – meaning that if they find an unfamiliar lock type that poses an unplanned challenge, they are more likely to abandon any attempt to steal the bike or trailer. In this case, you can either lock the trailer to the bicycle and an immovable object or lock the trailer to the bicycle (and the bicycle to an immovable object). Regardless of which option you choose: Be creative and attach your lock(s) in a manner that is as inaccessible and complicated as possible, even if it takes a little more time to lock everything up. The trick is to make life as difficult as possible for thieves!